Lofrans anchor windlass 50 year aniversary

Lofrans 50 Year Anniversary

2016 is a landmark year for Lofrans’ due to its 50th anniversary and we couldn’t be more proud. Thousands of windlasses have been produced and mounted on boats over the past 50 years making Lofrans’ a leader and pioneer in the market.  This great heritage and with great respect for the past so we have to set our sights to the future firmly. We are investing in research and development, new products, back office systems in order to have Lofrans’ always for what it stands for, THE ORIGINAL WINDLASS.  To celebrate this great occasion Lofrans’ have started off by launching a new website with new layout and tools for more user friendly experience.  Please take a look – www.lofrans.com

The website is great, beacuase if you are unsure which part you are in need of, every part within your windlass has been broken down, simply create an order and get it e-mail direct to the AUstralian Distributor, which is us.  Making life easier and more time for boating!

Also Lofrans’ have a couple of new products, with more to come, like Tender Recovery Capstan, Ceto Recovery Capstan (still to come) and the X3.5 Low profile Windlass (also still to come).  So watch this space for information and releases.

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